Saturday, 11 January 2025


 The things your body and mind crave when feeling absolute worst bit with a smile on is all beyond logics.......

Missing his halo a bit too much today that says how easy you got used to it that beautifully that you keep checking now n then!!

To the sight of paino in a movie now gives you the instant ick how only what only...

To that call from the property agent asking if you would finalise the same space and that one loud inside silent scream comes out iskiii maaaaaki!!!!!!

Been looking exploring different spaces for the studio and atelier together and this one from outsidelooked neat as it was a bungalow with two floors...

The below floor looked too good but there was something off bout the energy there as it had been shut for 2 years now.....the top floor was like a glass floor and inside there was this beauty of the a kid watching piano in some movie youd always been fascinated with the idea of how the black and white keys could create such beautiful sounds...and there was this regal charm to it and you always wanted to touch the paino...

The secone you see it that one feeeeeel finally you can touch it and there was a call or something that you check and take a step down or something it it's a blur now what really happened in that moment and you slip and fall a few steps of with a flip and your armpit was on the edge of the staiecase dome like thing...

In that moment you think not had not a scratch at all till the store help who was with you tells you your shirt on the armpit side was all red and you were bleeding with one leg bruised one arm too...

And rush to the hospital to realise you had a double deep cut in the armpit ever since then the whole process of letting it heal on its own as doctor advised without sticthes has been the worst pain possible...

Cause that involve a regular dressing every alternate day without anaesthesia and the pain the screams after feels of it has been worst!!

Theres this side to what happened and then there's that side your most looooved and awaited moment the himcomings!!

How does this happen exactly how you miss him his touch his sense of presence to live him exactly that way is pure magic...and the way it's the sunshine highlight of your day almost!!

Writinf the moment now sounds weird but it's that need to write how amidst all this there's your calm peace and beauty that you always find in Him... The comfort space for life I say!!

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