Thursday, 23 January 2025

Breeze blocks!!

 When you finally block vish from WhatsApp you now know what it truly takes the level of bitterness to block someone and then to feel and be the same place in his life now is the worst feeling know that's where you are at now! Just having you on WhatsApp bhi seems like the biggest thing to deal with!

Donno why or how or what made you think this time he wouldn't turn back or block back or disappear like you were that THQT sure of it this time that he wouldn't, even after the words from him...still THAT level of surity and then to miss him in moments where you wanted to live him the most now or lately just this feeling you can't fight or hide away from...also that's making you give up writing completely !!!!!!

Life was much easier before writing, cause he met you more spoke to you more still wanted you in his life, strange feels on some days strange thoughts running through blame it all on the heavy antibiotics together!!

And there are some words and visuals his shirt most fav of yours and his finger everytime finding a great waxed arm of yours his usual first very first thing to do is to run his finger across the skin of your arms and how you looooved living his expression his that one smile away every single time...

Trying to change, giving up and still hurts weirds the same way away...!

Like how were you even so sure of it!!!!!!!

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