Monday 7 March 2022


 As the shoot date gets closer work gets more hectic but this time feels special as it has that touch of one of your most loved things that beautifully connected to him in more ways than one.....

When you had to switch away the collection for the shoot because of the making time restriction and instead choose for the other being quicker instead of khwaabida it now is Sitaara...

Sitar and taara both that beautifully connected with him......

Again the way it just felt into place this beautifully as the outfit designs were in process and one of em just layed over the couch at the studio and you were on a call with the other media guy and the way dooor se it looked like lil stars sparkling over the blue couch like stars over the night sky....

And that moemnt there it was Sitaara happened...

With work there was this other moemnts last week or before that one Bombay number flashing on the screen and that very second heart highest beat possible cause you did ask him for a call in that mail and though this one being not even his number some moments nai you just cantttttt!!!!!

Logics go waaaay outtaa the window and all that stays is the moemnt and just you....walk away a lil and answer it ther eeas nobody on the other wise must have been a spam few hours later or something same number again again the same thing no sound nothing but your heart i tell you that one beating jumping mode it suddenly kept switching back to!!!!!

So these moemnts of working on this collection and the way it's turning out heart full happy!!!!!!

To this very moment now!!!!!

How do you take moments dreams sounds moments again like these to just be normally random I say!!!!!!!

No matter how hardddddd you try to just go with it moemnts like these poora ka poora heart n life i say!!!!!

The waaaaaaaay the waaaaàaaaays it just brings him along in your mind if only it did for real too!!!!!!!

If only!!!!!!!!!

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