Sunday 20 March 2022

Magic like lil findings...

 Lilst sweet findings like these specially with all these feeels your mind is already trippin high on!!!!!

When you go away i stillll seeeeee Cccc youuuu!!!!!

Recurring visions of such sweet days i stilll seee you!!!!!

To the name just the name of this band that one line from him always tings rings dings your mind away i say like you could almost see him hear him say it out with his psy beedi in hand and his happpoy shy high eyes and smile face i have cigarettes , when you suggest him the band with the song over was on WhatsApp but just that beauty of some sounds and when you've lived that much of someone lilst of details of them it's like with their words just reading them you can almost see him hear them exactly how they would say it !!!!!!

Him ayaaaaaàaaaaaa this mind tonite!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeee if you only had the slightest of idea of the missings and the love i say!!!!!!

And a love like that one...!

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