Monday 7 March 2022

Echo of a moment...!

 Working on the theme brief Sitaara, the night sky in garden...

Day with media work now theme writeups and the manager stays over for the night as it did get that late at work today....

In the gym room and you out writing on the theme with his music playing and she suddenly comes out asking if you were watching or downloafing some movie or something as the net was really slow that very moment the way her sound suddenly disappears like couldn't hear her talk anymore and him standing at the door in ishara asks you to check your fone still standing there.....but you that high on his psy beedi don't get it your mind that rush in you all you could see feel live was his presence there with mind that high that one feeling finally he did come......

Cause maybe that was the night you felt that way for the first time again many firsts and he had asked to leave his room instead and go back to his sisters cause of his chachi asking him to do the same and maintain distance for reasons.....

But that feeeeeeling charlie of living a life of fear almost all your life and finally giving in something like feeling it wanting it for the first time that way and with him the inky one you felt that way with lived with loved with and that feeeling of being that close first time at that hour at his place and you couldn't be with finally that moment when after a few hours he comes over to the r9om stands at the entrance asking uoubto check the fone but you instead get that lost in him as you could barely sleep that night.....

And finally few ishaaras later get it he was asking you to ask her if she had some movie or something as maybe then she was in her washrom or something it was.....

And heads back to his room....

Ur mind woooosh bolke that blank suddenly what just happened he could've messaged her directly instead but instead he leaves you a message and then again comes over to ask you to check your message instead of again asking her directly about the download thing cause he wanted to use it and it was slow.....

Like he just wanted to see you to check if you were still up cause he def could've done the same by messaging her directly but there was you w8th that sudden lost feeling....

The way that moment that night stayed with you ever since then.....maybe it did with him too cause that was exactly where he started from in that first phone call pist bup saying he wanted to be with you too like he just knew you wanted to that bad but just couldn't cause of chaichis remark over not doing something at night kinda thing!

Some moemnts and the way they hit on another level mostly now.....

The way it felt in this moment like you've lived that feeling that moment many a times all these years but now after 5hat chat with him it just felt different today.....that close!!!!!!

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