Wednesday 30 March 2022


 If there's any place thing item anything what si ever that has your pooooora ka pooooora heart in its full bloom it's anything to do with Him charlie...

Anything even be it a memory of His...

Heart in its full beautiful bloom I say.....

When there today model calls team calls manager messages fone silent and you just be living him as much asbyou could there.....

So sooooo many memories from there too.....

Ur habit of touching the bottle if kicked over your head as a token of respect to the water habit changed immediately when he does it over n over again sitting close to you keeps kicking the waterbottle close to your leg and when it touches your leg touch it over your head and he chuckles away then after a few repeats yaha waha asks you nahate na tum feet under and over water only no and that one adoootalepause still looking you in the eye waiting for your reaction over that realisation and soon as it hits you that one haaaan of his with slow whisper howli nodding away that ONE nod of his.....

He did transform you away in more ways than it your knowledge or lack of knowledge about love and things like these bout life in general.....

To his words his conversation him getting irritated with you clicking his pictures and still lets you take a few firsts just being fed by him after years for thebdirst time in that very place.....even daal chawal charlie he would eat away with that much love like you are definitely fussy over food like there has to be chicken or some kind of pulse like chana rajma or something with rice or roti like you just can't plain dal but him ayyyaaaaaaaaa fullll heart even dal chawal uttteeeee pyaaar se he would eat away ayaaaa to just watch him eat too fulllll hearted overflowing love!!!!!!!

What makes a person maloom charlie like comoletes them or defines them it's in the things they do things that define their sense of being like lilst of things and how they do it that's how this love to live him live his lilst details started.....

There's so much love in lilst details of his like he puts in all of him in anything he it had to always be all of him or n9thing at all!

Be it selecting something he would make sure take his best time and 5jen select the best no matter what or food or meeting people his shower time his psy beedi to music ho7rs to his writing to his way of loving you or his family he would make sure that there's all of him there in it....

It's lilst of things bout him today when there the way it was all rushing through you not sure if it was cause of the too much missing off late now that there's no presence of him on Instagram too or just cause ofthe realisation of the that meet to this today when at DD colony....

That meet that feeeeling of finally finding him back again to finally setting your fear free there were a zillion things that you felt in that meet lil did you know.........

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