Monday 7 March 2022

Dreams n moments!!

 Something's just can never make any sense the way his voice his whispers that smell of his presence to just live and feel his presence still almost every morning to live him through moments and sounds like these and then to try n connect with the reality and lost you are......

To this moment with her standing there talking to you and all you could see was him standing there and that exact feeeling of high on him rush through you with that wait in that very moment like you were there in that room reliving that very exact moemnt with him first looking at you just standing there the way he just kept comingnto the room and yet keeping you away from him knowing maybe just knowing what it would do to you specially the state of you that he could see through you like always.....

From bringing over the biryani to feeding you and just staying there for a bit longer like you try and touch him and he makes sure to keep his hand close and yet away from you......

The way he wanted to be with and around you as bad as you did!!!!!

Some moemnts nai this feeeeeeelijgnthey can fill you with even years you were that busy n lost in writing and there he was in that very moment just like that made her disappear andbjust stayed there by the door just like he did that night...

How do you still feel live so much when there's nothing left like he said...cause things like these don't happen can't happen won't happen just one sided!!!!!!

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