Monday 5 July 2021

The time...

 Back then finding him finding love knowing love never for even a sec did you ever think you'll be losing it losing him and would have spend all this while missing him missing his love and then finding him in his very places that you were that lost living him in.....

Abhi jabhi aise moments hote charlie this one feeeeeeling every single time maybe this is why you were living him THAT bad in his places in those very moments jsut so you could still live him even now in your present and in his absence.....

Last week was in a way reality check when you sort of felt very unsafe when had to hire another driver instead of your usual one as the one was away in village and thus one was a temporary one and some misbehave shit worst way possible shook you up disturbed you worst way possible after many years.....

That's when your mom suggests to take a day off off work and decide for the closest way to work possible was wtt a staycation thing at Hayatt....

Of all the places in Hyderabad it had to be this one who bhi on a Sunday!

Ultil the second you were there you had no idea it was one of his places.....

This beauty charlie it's like evey corner around you is that beauuuutifully laced with anything to everything Him....every corner inside you around you that beauuuutifully laced with him!!!!!!

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