Friday 2 July 2021

some days!

 Just this strong smthing rushing through you ever since the start of the day today.....just this smthing that you thus strongly feel it's that strong pull that smthing wordless that you can't make sense of, smthing to do with him but you still just donnoooo what it is why you feelin this way it just is...

Ever since the start of the day today!

Even now as you watch smthing his music playing and you are almost well more than half asleep and yet this smthing that you this strongly feel.....

Smthings or maybe anything to do with Him actually is just beyond you or logics or your own senses......just is the way it is!

This thing that always makes you wonder why still feel this way when you knowwww!

And whoo bhi like this with this kinda impact feel vibe or whatever it is to just feeeeeeeeel this that you've been feeling since morning!!!!!

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