Monday 5 July 2021


 Some places or actually any place of his does that to you.....lil did you know you would land on a Sunday in one of his places that you jad no idea back then where he even was taking you what place n all only years after you land there on a Sunday ......

To just be standing there living that moment of realisinf how he was right there sitting right there with that much love for you just there that close to you , living that moment there or writing it now the waaay it all feels like one dream that you'd lived him his love for you like it all feels like one big dream like almost he doesn't exist for real kinda dream.....

The stay there was that beauuuutiful once in the room the balcony surrounded with gulmohars just turned into one dream out for an extra bed to jsut be able to sleep closer to the window just so you could live that vibe of sleeping under the sky....the day was beauuuutiful with his music playing Him rushing all through yih right from the start lilst detail of him to the nite turning the loneliest you'd ever felt.....

Things you avoid living feeling cause you know the waaaaay it can leave you with....

The morning with that one conversation with your mom over mornng chai....

Afyer years when she talks bout him prolly....when the first thjng she says is how she always felt he was more mature than you more understanding than you...also why he made sure about this distance not seeing you not keeping in touch with you cause he was sure bout not wanting you.....and that one pause you don't say a word and then goes n talking bout how sooner or later you'll realize you do need a man in your life just so incidents like these don't happen in future it's when they think a woman is all by herself these things happen and you shoud take it seriously and shit!

How do you make sense of smthing when it does make sense in the alternate reality of the present self it makes sense but how do you fill that thing that gap in your life when you are already living it with him, in another world in your head....

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