Thursday 22 July 2021

moments like these!

 It's these lilst of things that you still live him in mind a lil high on him n gin and in your place after longest of times cause it all makes you feel him the mostest....

And it rains hair in a bun and that feeeeel of drops on spine or shower it's that feeeeeel smthings give charlie like the sudden brush of rainy breeze over your face that makes you move with the sudden rush of breeze or to just smell this weather now it's all things him all these things have that sense of him that same sense of him that presence of his the waaaay it used to feel to just live him or even that sight of water droplets falling over the leaves how all this your mind sort of tends to visualise and the rest around sort of bkurs away it's just you and that moment and the feeeels it letting you live in that moment.....

His presence even with his absence on whatsapp was that to you!

Isn't it funny and madness absolute madness how your mind sort of seeks for things that could substitute to that feeling of absence just so you feel that feeling of having filled up tat void....

This sudden thought eveytine how could someone hate that very same person they once loved that much!!!!!!

The very presence itself that they can't stand now..

Als9 why this him feels like another guy and that him is that one dream you'd lived just a dream that stayed with you still with you in monents you feel the loneliest in also ironically again makes you feel more lonely once you sense that hint of his presence in smthing to anything!!!!

Mind where to where to i say!!!!!

That one puzzle that will last would be how what did you do that made him hate you your lilst sense of presence this bad!!!!!


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