Sunday 27 September 2020

ONE pic !!!!!!

 seeing liivn looooving adoooooooooring his pictures for years now has been there like forever now !!!!!!

but this time was like the first time ayaaaaaaaa smthingsssss you knoooooooww you shouldnt be writin out n yet thissss !!!!!!!!!

soooooooooo yyyyyyah !!!!!!

thi time his this yellowwwwwwww gorgeously handosmely adooooooooorable pic lik the initial hit of missing hit you lik enothin else of his pics did which also by the way feeels the same eveyime !!!!!!!!

but this timeee the after of it was rather differrrrrnt and enevr before kinda thing !!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the very next monin the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he did comeeee !!!!!!

dreamm i mean!!!!!!!!

uneeeeee asiaaaaaaaaaa kabiii ni ayaaaa chalieeeeee lik u remember tunrin to that smell of his that closeeee to you and that neeeed to chek dheere even before opening ur eyes poora u couldddd feeeeeeeel him hold u awaaaay all of you awaaay just lik he did zillion time back then in versova meeet.....

ayaaaaaaaa this thing bout wntng to write n u know u cant write it all......

lik u seeeee him lik actualllllllly seee him cause this time it wsnt a white shirt blue sirt or kuch bhi at al.... lik u felt hm his presence his looooveeeeee lik u could feeeel that strongly lik he ws there to make u feeeel that love of his li making u feeel that presence of his like he is there and u try to move or smthing n doesnt let u ..... lik the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay his presence elt  that morning dint feeel lik just a drem cause the after of it the wakin up of it from then till this morning has beeeeeen differeneet lik never befoe kinda thing...........

its that sid of you that awkens with that side of his love for u.......

its that thing chralie lik this u after that him that side of him is waaaaaay toooooooooo diffficult to deal with to calm down or hide aay back in again...........

its lik the you that suddenly did come alive...... where the waking up the day the misssing him the mind the atte of you after that presence of his you donnooooooo how to hide back away from.....

how do you get back to normal........

it ws a presne you lived afer what feeels like decades now....

been waaaaaaaay tooooooooooooo toooooooooooo long since you felt that way.........

waaaaaaaaay toooooo long since you felt him that way !!!!!!!!!!!

its like you look at urself in the morrir and shy away from ur own mind kinda you this feels like !!!!!!!

its the mind chalieeeeee you cant hide away frm..........

this state of mind tht presnec of his left you wit........

as the high gets a lil mor subtle now there were moments of hat wierd madness wher you acually were rubbing the gin bottle with thse woshes cos the bottle too losk beautiful......

first rub n u wish to just see him second rub and u wish to see him talkin mthing with more rubs the mind i tell you...... to just chummmi him to just touch him to just hold just/1111111

 like the more secs u spend with the bottle with the mind that beauuuuuutifulllllllllly high on him the more wierderly beutiful n wild the wishes got !!!!

its this you that u are not use dto and then when this happenes u also donnoooooooooo how to deal with this u..... hw to calm ur own mind away !!!!!!

how to not feeeeeeeel the waaaaaaaaay u are feeeeelin now !!!!!!!!!!

its wird chalieeeee knowing it all and yet feeeelin this way !!!!!!!!!

never happeepnd with any pic of his few days and it will be the most looooooooooved month of ur life its like tooooo many emitions rushing through you and there he is that adoooooooooooooooorably sitting awaaaaaay not knowing any f it !!!!!!!!!!!

this timeeee he dint even block and now allll the more reson u eeep going back living him with this mind of yours............

ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the same similar kindaaaaaaaaa presence this moning tooooo......

the waaaaaaaaaay it leves you with talking to ur ownself talkin  to him after waking uupppppp kaikuuuuuuu aiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaare tummmmmm!!!!!!!

its the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it feeesl even after aking up chalie lik u can feeeeeel his presence his smell that strongly lik you for sure know completeley pooora awke and uet you can feeel his touh on yoru hand his smell arund n over........

you just donnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!


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