Friday 14 May 2021


 Just finish watching this beautiful all mush ofna movie after really long cause you make sure to stay away from such films.....

Today watching those smallest of moments to the most beautiful ones and that feel with every single one of em as if though you were literally seeing him living him in each one of them....

There are things you can avoid and then there are things that you just can't ignore..

Living him in each one of those moments was all n more than just that...

In your place to find that momentary peace with the weather turning this beautiful.....that one thought tho that keeps ringing through your mind......

How truly lucky did she really get, without hoping waiting or wishing for it.....

To be able to live him love him and be loved by Him...

How truly lucky and just like that!

When you just want to get back to work cause this mind I say!!!!!!!!!

Some feeels you forget bout how and what it's like to smthing as lil as to look em in the eye to live that feeling to live someone's presence for real which now with time almost feels this you actually ever did???!

To live to feel to just love the presence as you live for real in the waking state!!

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