Tuesday 18 May 2021

how strong!!

 they say love is stronger than hate.....

Some phrases actually make you rethink em over!

This morning this strange dream of his that you wake up from him dragging himself out of smthing and holds your hand grabs your hand rather wit that tight grip like he needed you to hold his hand and pull him out of it as he just keeps looking helplessly in your eyes wanting to pull him out of it and not let go of his hand as you do so!!

It was strange momentary but the way again it shakes you up and you wake up and realise it was raining outside....head out to your place and just be for a bit you couldn't get over his helpless look looikg you in the eye wanting to hold your hand and like always that same need to fil that feeling up add him back and go back to sleep for a bit waiting for the dream to continue somehow.....

Doesn't happen nothing but that feel charlie stays with you just him looking at you helplessly!!!!!

Everytime you feel that feeling of how anything to do with him shakes you up and makes you forget everything else and just add him bacl no matter how shitty you've felt to see being blocked again no matger what you are going through just that need to make it better somehow of what some moment made you feel for him....

Love is clearly weak charlie over hate cause you can only imagine how much he has to wants to away keep you away out of hate or what for him to be able to stick with it like now when you see a block you know it's going to be an year till you are unblocked again!!!!


Is when you feel hate is much stronger than love!!!!

It's these wave of feeling that you can't cope up with smtimes.....like from that extreme to smthing as beautiful as reliving daadis words for Him....to reliving him in that very moment just watching you that beauuuutifully with that smile on him letting you have that moment with daadi and yet living your presence....

It' was like he was literally glowing in that moment as you watch him live him through daadis words and that love of daadis for Him... He was glowing in that moment charlie and that beauutifully!!!!

Feelings like these moments relived like these just put your mind in this beautiful state of bliss that even with some action flick on your mind is still reliving that memory that moment that echo of those beautiful words......

Kabhi daadi bhot yaad ate charlie for the love and also more for her love for you when with him...

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