Tuesday 18 May 2021

Him - favorite!

  Mind I tell you once it gets a hold on a feeling or a thigght no matter what you do it still somehow hovers over you!  Still watching this action lick andbyet the mind thisfeeeeeeeeling!

This hindi mocie watching it with mom hours back and overall script okay but the beauty was in the moment or bond between the grandmother n grandchild or grandson to be precise...

There are many instances out of nowhere sometimes when his daadis voice still echoes through you.....cause her being the only one prolly from whom you did get that grandmom love from even itvwas for a very very short span but you still did....

One of those evenings on your way home him walking a lil ahead getting his car out to drop you and you see daadi struggling to get the thread in the needle squinting her eyes away and you offer to help her and she asks you to sit beside her and shows that smthing that she was knitting away for Him it was what was back then for yours and his wedding for smthing he had to use to strike the entrance with when he comes to marry you....

Him by then after a few honks gets off and just stands at a distance on the fone and still checking or watchjnf you and daadi have your own moment as she talks bout how he was very special and different from the rest of the family at home....holds your hand and asks you to always take care of him and love him and still talking bout how different he was and how she loved him more than she loved her own son....

It's that feeling charlie when you love someome so much and when anybody just talks bout how special that person is or anything good bout them it just makes you that very happy in your heart it's that feeling of love and pride that you are filled with in such moemnts and to watch him stand there smiling that smile at you and hear daadi talk bout him was the most beautiful few mins you had with daadi....

Like those few mins you'll always cherish all your life no matter what.....cause it was that special!!!!!!

Finally to him and the way he mentions how he hasn't daadi like that with anybody like itveas just a few meets and then tells you she sure likes you to talk to you like that holding your hand away!

That evening back home just replaying what daadi had said and the way to just relive Him in your mind with all that he was was the first time you'd felt he sure was different.....

Today watching the movie tbinking bout him reliving daadis words and her pove for him still the same feeling - Him that beauuuutifully different charlie...


Its beautiful to think of it even years after today how lilst of conversations can have this beautiful impact no matter how long it has been or how short the conversation was!!!!!

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