Sunday 21 February 2021

stranger strangest things!

This strangest of things that has happened more than once charlie....

The sec even if be it you sharing it all here the way it just cnabges it away!

Not sure if it's the karnatak oatheeeetic wine back it again that you just gotta finish or the mind what it feels is right....

And it only occured to you just now as you were writing bout the block....

The things you are happiest bout and you write out and it just changes the thing bout him watching ur first n only stroy that made you happiest cause that to you meant that you meant smthing to him for him to even randomly see want to see your story.....the sec you screamed our write out your hapoeiness poooff it's gone!

Never happened again!

The sec you talk bout his frequent Sunday sightings making your Sunday's all Youdays with that feeeling of having seen him loking forward to seeing him even ve it in ouctires on Sundays Youdays it's done poooffffff again!

To the recent one noon meets online again in your madhead it's you living him right there which happened almost everyday until you happy write it out poooooiffffffff fck the gone again!!!!

No windee they say don't say out how much you love never show your love before someone else never care too much love too much.......

Amidst all this somedays some movies and that one feeeeel every sjngke time how much of Him from back then did you finally become..... how much of you has changed and become THAT much of him.....from the movie you like music to what you like doing your need for the mee time to just be on your own your walks at the oddest of hours are like those drives of his that he would love to go on just by himself to get his mind right....

Cause u can't drive walks do that for you!

Or this time of the hour with his music playing that one corner slow even with the movie playing candle lit just your kinda me time with all Him that beauuuutifully slow flowing throufh you....

Connecting moments sounds words......

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