Thursday 11 February 2021


 It's this feeek charlie like this pic he'd posted days back and you usual missing checmkmg on him and that very sec he posts this one pic of a tree and the shadow light the windows it looked that similar to that window pane of his other house you met him at and also like his actual house.....

But the shape of the tree it's that abstract form of one sleeping the other whispering away getting closer... you could see interpret it that way as that's exactly how you live him feel him now...

Also that feeeeel of having him in the lilst of moments wit you through the day and through the sleep like you just feeeeeel him there with you...throufh n through just there!!!!!!

Like the shadow like that tree bending iver the shaodw wbispering away to having missed him for years now the only other waking time you feel him to be closest is when he comes online now one of those lilst one sec meet around 12:30ish in the day like you wait for that time around or vytimw you find him online is like your moment when he is the closest like in your mind that has missed him for what seems like lifetime now that's your moment when he is right there just there other side of the glass of the device he is right there closest......

Cause otherwise even having being arihnd this close till now geographically could never see him around then came the block to once unblocked it's akway been thus one moment when he felt the closest like he is there and you are living him.....

As weird ass crazy as this sounds smthjnf nai are waaaaaay beyond the logic even if it sounds madness to you alone you knowwww what that means to you drop no matter what you are doing to be arond there at that time to just live him even for a bit!!!!! Also maybe why as much as you did love that painting like dp of his you miss seeinf him seeing his picture again your way of living him with the distance habfjng there!!!!!!

The more you write the more this feeeeeeeling!!!!!!!!!!!


Hiw beautifulky strange are the ways of the heart n mind trying to fill up for the missing in its own crazy to just fill it up away his presence I saaaay I swear!!!!!!

Hiw that one someone that one presence feeeks like nothing else can!!!!!!!!

Its weird nai to think of it billion gazillion fazilluon people walkjfn arojnf and yet that one just that one changes it all away and HOW!!!!!!




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