Thursday 11 February 2021


 Nothing no one smthing could ever make you feel that way ever again.....

Just that one look that one face that one touch that one Him in the world for you!!!!!

And today after years when you hear someone you just were blushing away just by the sound of his name that one feeling also I say almost smthimf like that exists too?!

To just walking around with that one Him rushing through you all those moments of him living you and that rush through you like he could just know by your face exactly what was running on your mind no mayyer what the situation or place is no matter whose around he would just knowwwwww just by your face......and when in complivated situation that one look from him knowing again just knowing that would make you happy like nothing or no one else in the world could....

To just by your face knowing same time that year on maha shivratri just by your face and knowing you that beauuuutifully well you protesting against your mom or that day on valentine's when he insists on a movie date to let you live your "ideal" valentine's date from movies thatbyou always dreamed bout and making you live your dream but it was him charlie his way of loving you that was that slowly that beauuuutifully transforming you away into all things Him.....and suddenly all you knew bout love and all things love was just Him...

To just live him love him did become Love to you.. 

That day when he talks bout the movie datevon valentine's and in the parking lot just bout to get off and just hold his hand and just be looking at him and the way he fataaaaaaak se starts the engine and speeds out from there and makes you lay over his lap and that one feeeeeeeeeeel inside opera it was......

Not a word spoken that day your idea of love too just like his did become Him.....a date an ideal movie date did become to live him to love him in your most loved place on the face of this planet I say - Opera...

Ayaaaaaaa that one place and that many Hims lived there and evey single time that one mention bout this one place and this feeeeeeeeeeeeling it overloads you with!!!!!!!



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