Thursday 11 February 2021


 The sec you hear that one name in the world goosebumps it's that wordless feeeeeeeling charlie like all of him suddenly rushing through you at the highest fcking speed possible like you are that still on the outside sitting there looking at the froth over your coffee with that sound of his name all of rushing through you.....

And the way post call she hangs up and asks you the first thing wasn't it cause of the name and you ask waht and the way she says you were all pink blushing away and then adds up aren't you crazy bout him and that one big nod with just a yep and you get off and walk out for a bit....

Plug in his music stroll around the mall just living all him away.....

That one track that one moment that evening when he meets you after coming back from that Pune festival that he was at the first meet after coming back and picks you up just stops under a street light and looks at you and just tyat one look one stare and the waaaaaaaaaaaay it makes you feel all on inside just thatvone stare of his and that very sec he plays this track by Darius Rushes...

The way him telling you how you just blush when he just looks at you bhi to that even deeper blush with that first touch of the meet even be it everyday.....

It was something charlie to just see him to be looked at by him..... exactly why you love loooooove live him jn his places...the way the moments lived there the versions of him lived there are thus fresh like it was just yesterday.....he was there standing there walking upto you and you living that one beauuuuuuty of his.....just looking you in the eye with that one smileeeeee on him knowing just knowing even in that moment you were just that happoy living him away in that walk of his.....

Be it him waking back from getting water food to eat getting movie tickets or just peeing n heading back anything to everything evry moment lived him frim a distance or was it the whole vibe feeeeeel of just watching him living him walking upto you and as he did looking you in the eye knowing how truly deeply madly you loooooived living him in that very moment....

That one thing bout looove charlie you end up loving living any to every moment of theirs.....any to everything bout them means way more than just a random moment cause you tend to see them way beyond than just that moment you begin to connect relate just know them live them love tjem beyond those random details seen known by any and evrybody's that side of theirs that just you know you see you connect you relate you loooooooove makes you go crazyyy bout em....cause it's smthinf just you see it as feel it as cause that's what love does to you seeing them more than what they are on the outside.....

Dig dive in awaaaaaaay!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeee still writing You beauuuuuuuuuutiful big lil thing I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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