Thursday, 6 February 2025


 This LOOVE for windows...!

Tryijg to get an early night for the early morning walk at kbr and as you keep switching sides this one visual now of the lights of the car passing by below against the curtains and the way it brings back your Veera Desai childhood memory of loving this visual like something bout it felt strangely magic like like youknoe stars moving across the curtains...and it always used to amuse you and keep you up for longest hours possible...

Something this beautiful bout windows nai it's like one way of looking at all by still not being there and still be able to and the way it also always take you back to his Versova one......where after a few moments you again try to open it or move and he says you can't and you tell him bhool math mein tujhe gym mein Mili weights section mein woh bhi and he immediately lifts you up and throws you over the couch all this with the most adoooooraaaaaaaboe sound of his chuckle like some moments this strong as you write now and close your eyes you can ALMOST hear his chuckle from that moment!!

Ever since the very start of the day today there's something some scent in the air that feels that familiar to the scent of Bombay and also why youve been deep breathing all day today!!

Since youd decided to take small steps for the brand exposure the first preference is always the client base volume part of it and then selecting the city as per that and as per the order stats your first preference should've been Bangalore instead......but there was that immense need to do it in Bombay for obvious reasons...

Like you know always been a overtly visual person and when he did unblock you you were waiiiiiiiting for his reaction of some status of yours once in Bombay but was short lived again for reasons only two people know him and the oopar department!!

Now you are lost like hiring a bigger team getting more designs ready has been hectic lately working on it full force for the launch but now Bombay?!

It's giving a full lost cause vibe!!

It's not like a day goes by that you suddenly zone out like completely and just wonder why how or what!!

Like even today some staff of maggam brings over a steel stool to place few of his tools on for some you notic it you just stand there and smile away akele akele.......till the master asks you what it was bout and you head out to the terrace and relive that one adooooooorableness of him!!!!!

His sister takes you to hisbathroom showing you the stool he sits on for shower and jokes bout it and he gets super embarrassed bout it clarifying later that as the water speed was slow he used to sit over it and wait for the bucket to fill up for the shower and you just smile away holding his face in your hands and the waaaaaaaay he chuckled over it asking you sure have a strong visual nai!!

And you actually imagined him sitting waist up ofc sitting on it and you couldn't help but adooooore and relate to that face he made then and to picture him on the stool of his...

To this other kid in the lift yesterday white collared tee and short chaddis and that one feeeeeeeeeeel fataaaaaak se HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! To waiting out for the order at concu and a white g wagon comes over to park the number 2727!!!!

How do you even after having lived looooooved that many versions of someone!!!!!!

Like still be finding him in lilst of yahas and the wahas this often apartfrom the dreams that are on a higher roll only...

Like you've been trying this time but it's like it's in you made a Home inside of you now...

How do you change that or break that!!

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