Have said it before can scream overa zillionnnnnn trillion godzilliaaaaan times more he is the ultimate HEART of your eyes and life I say!!!!!!!!
There's nothing absolutely in the world no other face place thing in the world that makes your eyes you feeeeeeeel all this away the waaaaaaaaaaaays he does...
Come back home just half an hour back been pretty hectic with late nights and the shoot tomo so much for Bombay you have no clue what's why's hows and yet!!!!!!!
And it's been one constant thing to see the most looooooved circle away knowing it's after long like you are trying various things in terms of holding your mind away but this one thing of living him away just can't I say!!!!!!
And the second you runnnnn for your mom's phone to see him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of him in that grey and black striped sexyyyyyyyyyy shirt looking all things delicious away!!!!!!!
To a zillion more memories rush through you as it was his friends rabias birthday from Bangalore days jute is cute...
This thing bout some memories no matter what you do the waaaaaaaaaaaaays they can make you feel away bringing a zillion more moments along is just something else!!!!!!!
To those few hours when you that thaaaaaaat bad wanted to see him the circle and couldn't cause of the block again reliving those few times you just could on WhatsApp and how lucky and howwwwweeeeeee happy that very lil thing also used to make you feel away and how you missed it today when at work and you couldn't !!
His Bangalore trip was to know learn what it was to miss him how it was to love him from a distance this very feeeeeeeel right now as you write and recall those lil lipoments from that trip of his!!!!!!!!!
Standing in the balcony right now looking up with that one question again, WHY!!!!!!!!
Was it too much to ask for!!
This mind right now reliving that deliciousness of him to the sound of his from Bangalore calls!!!!!!!!
Some moments like these I swear I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
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